Frankie has had a pretty stellar week and we are hopeful this is his new norm! We’ve gotten lots of smiles and playful moments. He’s even been enjoying laying in prone (belly). We still don’t really have a good idea of when he’ll be coming home. The likelihood of making it home by the twins’ first birthday is slim. We still have a lot of work to do on his vent, outgrowing some meds, and stabilizing his nutrition plan. It’s possible all of these things could become manageable at home and we could postpone his next surgery that’s tentatively planned for July. If we take him home before surgery, we’d be managing his ostomy and TPN at home as well which requires a central line and specialized wound care

Henry is turning into a little boy befre our eyes. His hair is starting to come in more. His smiles and belly laughs are contagious! He loves his activity center, laying on daddy’s chest, and is rolling like a pro. He’s babbling away and we think ‘dada’ is coming soon. He’s trying to crawl and is frustrated he’s not quite there yet. Henry is fast friends with anyone he meets and is always melting our hearts with his cuteness!